Innovative and creative Leadership Development
The Secret to Successful Leadership
Kerri Robinson
Precipice Co-Founder & Strategy Lead
Jess Robinson Lychak
Precipice Co-Founder & Creative Experience Designer
Unlocking Leadership Potential: Beyond Thoughts and Feelings
We are excited to share the most crucial concept from leadership development and neuroscience. This is integral for both formal leaders and those leading by influence without an official title.
Jess from Precipice Development welcomes you to explore a free tool and our exceptional learning platform available to all clients.
With 13+ years in leadership development, Jess has created several programs and coached hundreds of leaders across diverse sectors. We believe in this concept's universal applicability, regardless of life stage, title, or industry. It is our free gift to you.
We are excited to share the most crucial concept from leadership development and neuroscience. This is integral for both formal leaders and those leading by influence without an official title.
Jess from Precipice Development welcomes you to explore a free tool and our exceptional learning platform available to all clients.
With 13+ years in leadership development, Jess has created several programs and coached hundreds of leaders across diverse sectors. We believe in this concept's universal applicability, regardless of life stage, title, or industry. It is our free gift to you.